Because of the 2nd Whinchat-Symposium and the associated "Symposiumsband" there will be no issue of WhinCHAT in 2020
2nd WHINCHAT-SYMPOSIUM organized by the LBV
the Digital Magazine for Whinchat Research and Conservation
Available here
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the Digital Magazine for Whinchat Research and Conservation
Available here
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the Digital Magazine for Whinchat Research and Conservation
Available here
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WhinCHAT I -
the Digital Magazine for Whinchat Research and Conservation
Available here
Double-click on the picture
Can you attend a workshop on whinchat research in August 2017?
The upcoming EOU conference in Finland in August will be preceded by a two-day symposium of the Migrant Landbird Study Group on 17-18 August. Part of this will comprise species working group sessions, including a session on whinchat. This aims to build on the 2015 whinchat symposium held in Germany and bring together researchers currently engaged in, or seeking to commence, whinchat research for a series of presentations and discussions. The overarching aim is to identify the key research needs across Europe and Africa to better understand the causes of whinchat decline and inform conservation action.
Outline for the whinchat session:
1. A series of presentations on recent research on whinchat ecology and potential drivers of population decline.
2. Round-table and/or facilitated discussions to identify:
i) Research needs. Structured around a series of potential topics; where in the flyway do we need to focus (breeding, migration and wintering); migratory connectivity; the role of detailed demographic studies on survival, reproduction, dispersal; broader correlative studies on effects of habitat/land use change/climatic effects/range change; what existing data do we have; priorities for new work. Aim to produce a coherent plan for research on this species and potential for collaborative working across countries.
ii) Identifying more immediate conservation actions where possible and evidence of successful responses.
It would be great to have as many attendees as possible and if you would like to attend the whinchat session at the MLSG please email the session organiser ( Offers of presentations are very welcome but you are also welcome to attend without giving a presentation.
For more information on the two events:
MLSG symposium:
EOU conference:
Many thanks
David Douglas, RSPB
The species has become a rarity in many European countries
We are a union of Whinchat workers / researchers from 13 countries. The foundation meeting took place in Helmbrechts - Eco Station / Germany on the occasion of the 1st European Whinchat Symposium
on May 29th 2015.
One of our most urgent goals is to develop a international conservation strategy for the Whinchat.
The speakers of the group are:
Alex Copland (IRE) (Head of the group)
Hans-Valentin Bastian (D)
Jaanus Elts (EST)
Davorin Tome (SLO)
The 1st European Whinchat Symposium took place in Helmbrechts / Germany on May 27th to 29th. Nearly 100 participants adopted the resolution "Message from Helmbrechts" at the end of the symposium.
Altogether 42 contributions dealt with the situation of the Whinchat in 18 countries. They are collected on 312 pages in the proceedings volume "Living on the Edge of Extinction in Europe".
Resolution to the 1st European Whinchat Symposium
From 27th – 30th May 2015 nearly 100 ornithologists, conservation and agronomy scientists gathered together at the 1st European
Whinchat Symposium in Helmbrechts, Germany. During the symposium the participants decided on this resolution unanimously. In the meanwhile 27 organisations are supporting the
You can read the resolution
41 contributions from 58 authors & co-authors deal with the situation of the Whinchat in 18 countries. On 312 pages you find study results about biology, distribution patterns and conservation of the species. You can order the book for 20 € here .
International Whinchat Working Group | Walberngrün 24 | 95356 Grafengehaig / Germany